



Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Jim Neel (Photo by Mark Gooch)

James Emmette Neel, Associate Professor 
Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center & Azar Studios
B.F.A., Birmingham-Southern College
M.F.A., The University of Alabama
[email protected]

Jim Neel's sculpture, 绘画和摄影作品出现在地区和国家展览中,包括温斯顿-塞勒姆的东南当代艺术中心, the New Orleans Contemporary Arts Center, the Montgomery Museum of Art, 亚历山大艺术博物馆以及孟菲斯州立大学的学术画廊, Mississippi State University, 蒙特瓦洛大学和阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校.

作为一名自由摄影记者,报道了中美洲的战争和阿帕拉西亚的蛇处理圣洁之间的生死, 他的作品在国内外三十多家报纸上发表过, magazines and hard cover publications that include the Los Angeles Times Magazine, the Memphis Commercial Appeal, the Birmingham News and Post Herald, Oxford American magazine, Esquire magazine and Dennis Covington's Salvation on Sand Mountain, L'Eglise aux Serpents, and Redneck Riviera.

Steve ColeSteve Cole, Professor 
Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center & Azar Studios
B. S. and M.A., Ball State University
M.F.A., Florida State University
[email protected]

当观众是一个积极的参与者时,一件艺术作品就完成了. 我希望我作品的观众能在几个层面上进行互动. My intention is to connect ideally with our primal need for play.

Kevin ShookKevin Shook, Associate Professor 
Printmaking and Digital Imagery
Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center & Azar Studios
B.F.A., Mary Schiller Myers School of Art University of Akron
M.F.A., The University of Delaware
[email protected]

凯文·舒克(Kevin Shook)是伯明翰南方学院版画区协调员. He teaches foundation art courses and all levels of printmaking. He graduated with a B.F.A. in Printmaking and Drawing from The University of Akron in 2002. 随后,他就读于特拉华大学,并于2004年获得版画艺术硕士学位. 他曾于2012年至2016年担任艺术和艺术史系主任,并于2011年至2014年担任德宾画廊主任. 他最近担任国家艺术基金会大阅读基金的艺术项目总监,负责策划和安装莱斯利·迪尔和艾米丽·迪肯森展览:诗歌与艺术.

舒克的艺术作品调查了通过媒体过滤的现实感知. 图像通过一系列印刷媒体和装置组合,邀请观众调查主题之间的联系. 观看者参与到这个视觉对话中完成了工作.

肖克的作品曾在包括Space One Eleven画廊在内的地区和国家展览中展出, Birmingham, Alabama; Delaware Art Museum and Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, Delaware; Mesa Arts Center, Mesa, Arizona; Orange County Center of Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, California; Nor Jea Galleries and Millworks Gallery, Akron, Ohio; Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio; Eagle Art Gallery at Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky; Landmark Gallery at Texas Tech School of Art, Lubbock, Texas; Berea College; Berea, Kentucky; Crane Arts and Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Wellsville Creative Arts Center, Wellsville, New York; Morgan Conservatory; Cleveland, Ohio; and participated in the Monumental Ideas Miniature Books, Invitational; Traveling Exhibition of miniature Artist’s Books to 17 states, Argentina, Spain, Japan, South Korea and China.

Timothy   SmithTimothy Smith, Associate Provost and Professor 
Art History
Munger Hall 211
B.A., M.A., The University of South Carolina
Ph.D., Florida State University
[email protected]

Timothy B. Smith teaches courses in ancient, medieval, and early modern European art history; classes in ancient Mesoamerican art; and Exploration term study abroad projects in London, Paris, and Rome. 他的研究重点是意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术和建筑,以及罗马艺术和考古学. 他在锡耶纳圣物龛的建筑和装饰方面发表了大量演讲并发表了大量文章, 特别是锡耶纳大教堂的圣约翰施洗者教堂和圣多梅尼科的锡耶纳圣凯瑟琳教堂, and he is a contributing co-editor of the anthology Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena (Ashgate, 2012). 他目前的图书项目探讨了文艺复兴时期锡耶纳三大神圣宝藏的视觉环境, 并强调了锡耶纳人对文物崇拜中使用的图像的连续性和创新性.

Recent and Forthcoming Publications:

奇怪的碎片:索多玛、观景宫躯干和圣凯瑟琳的头,即将出版 Receptions of Antiquity, Receptions of Gender (Brill, 2014).

"Politics and Antiquity in the Baptist's Chapel Facade," in Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena (Ashgate, 2012).

"锡耶纳,圣地,施洗者圣约翰教堂 L'ultimo secolo della Repubblica di Siena (Academia Senese degli Intronati, 2008).

Kathleen Spies, Assistant Professor of Art History

Kathleen Spies, Associate Professor 
Art History
Art Annex Building
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota
M.A. and Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington
[email protected]

Kathleen Spies is a specialist in American art from 1850-1950, 教授19世纪和20世纪欧美艺术的高级课程, as well as the art surveys. She is particularly interested in issues of gender,race, class, and nationality, and how "high" art interacts with popular culture. 她发表了关于托马斯·埃金斯的肖像和19世纪的神经疾病的文章, 以及城市现实主义画家雷金纳德·马什的滑稽画作和版画. Prior to teaching at Birmingham-Southern, Dr. 斯皮斯是华盛顿特区史密森尼美国艺术博物馆的研究员.C. 她目前的研究涉及20世纪20年代和30年代女性表演者和流行娱乐的形象.

Pamela Venz, Assistant ProfessorPamela Venz, Professor 
Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center & Azar Studios
B.A., The University of Alabama at Birmingham
M.F.A., Ohio State University
[email protected]

Born and raised in Birmingham Alabama, 我于1983年在伯明翰的阿拉巴马大学获得雕塑和摄影学士学位,1985年在俄亥俄州立大学获得艺术硕士学位.

我于1988年加入伯明翰南方学院,并于1998年创建了该系的摄影专业. I received tenure in 2001, 2006-2010年任系主任,2009年晋升为正教授.

我的作品曾在伯明翰附近的画廊展出, regionally across the southeast, southwest, and mid-atlantic in both galleries and museums, and in the Czech Republic. 2004年,我获得了阿拉巴马州国务院艺术艺术家奖学金.

作为一名摄影师,我被光线所吸引:要么是光线的缺失,要么是在特定场景下光线的微妙.Â在摄影图像中捕获的光是在我拍摄的环境中发现的光.  I do not alter the scenes, but rather intentionally seek out unintentional still-lives, or tableaus, as they exist within these spaces.Â有一个正式的构图结构,是用相机捕获的.  But within the structural formality something is askew.Â最常见的是,它们是日常活动的物品,打破了构图的形式,隐藏在阴影或小空间中,等待在第二次或第三次观看后从图像中出现.Â它们是我们容易忽视的生活细节,这些细节使生活变得“人性化”。.

Despite the perception of a photograph’s reality or “truth”, the mechanical act of photographing a scene changes it.Â正是这种变化和它的可信度使我对摄影着迷,并使我一次又一次地回到家里的平凡活动.  There is a hidden richness there; quiet and unassuming revealed through light and shadow.

jurgen_tarrasch.jpgJürgen Tarrasch, Instructor  
Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center & Azar Studios

M.F.A Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]

Ms. Judy E. Pandelis
学院剧场票房经理/学术项目秘书/艺术 & Art History, Music, and Theatre Departments
Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center & Azar Studios
[email protected]